Founders' League
Creativity, Trust, and Growth
for Founders
from MVLASF Alliances
in the Bay Area, CA, US
Greater Vancouver, BC, Canada

The Diaspora 7.0
Founders' League
MVLASF, The family office of angel investors and consultants was founded in 2022. We are based on the venture companies' network including Mensa venture SIGs(Special Interest Groups) since 1999, and the global headquarter is in Mountain View, California.
We have developed a rich network with startups, venture capitals, and private equity firms here in MV/LA/SF districts for our next generations.
MVLASF runs its investment with Startup Studio and Venture Forum alliance to lead founders for their early and transformational investments in startups and expanded to Canada in 2023.
We respect founders' vision, execute core values, and support local communities on trust.
Who We Work With, How Support Founders, and What You Get
Economy Data Art
Paradigm shift and flow -
Filtered Trend Sensing
Blockchain + AI + XR
x Cloud / ROI for HWSW
= Metaverse -
Embarking on Insight
Turnaround Timing
The Bad drives out Good
Key takeaways
Pin Light on early stages
Leverage PR to grow -
Networking Hub
Change management
Vertical connectivity
Horizontal connectivity -
On-boarding, Scale-up, and Offshore Expansion
Venture Forum
64 Optimized structuring
27 types of Exit strategy
Post Exit Integration
Matching Investors
Cash and Carry Arbitrage -
Funding Strategy
Ideathon and Incubation
Syndication and SPV
Lessons learned -
Capital Injection till Exit
Startup Studio
Due Diligence Tool Kit
Stall points
Turning points
Tipping points
1on1 Customization
Resource Redesign
Governance Protection
EBO/LBO Optimization
Cross border Risk Hedge
Culture Improvement
Incentive for Retention
Operation Excellency
Branding and Research -
Community support; Sponsorship, Donation, and Volunteering
Next Gen. Sequencing
We published the IR Playbook for startups and ventures.
With this philosophy, and theorem, MVLASF Forum runs three fields.
(1) #bio #pet (2) #art #entertainment (3) #aerospace #robotics,
and their #AI #fundamental #micro #modular.
Please visit founders, and pin light on their phenomenal idea domains.
They'll be your best portfolio or business partners horizontally and vertically.
Let's support their IR, branding, or fundraising.
Go for it!
Founders' Experience, Philosophy and Definition do matter, so we are always looking for the next big idea. Get in touch with us to join the membership, and find out more to be a thought leader.
MVLASF and CEO have served the official members of Forbes Councils, HBR Advisory, Stanford Affiliate, San Francisco Regional Mensa, and UNICEF, and volunteered at the animal shelters encouraging adoption from the HSSV and Pets-In-Needs, and invested in Art, Entertainment, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) of international associations. Your subscription for them would be helpful to sponsor your local communities.
CEO/President/Founder: Gyehyon Andrea Jo
"The canary in the coal mine"
MOU | Collaborative friendship with MVLASF